Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Post 1

      Let me just say this in the beginning I don't know everything I don't want to know everything. But I have gone 8 weeks into Nursing school and I feel like I need an outlet of my experiences. I won't be telling you what nursing school I am going to school, tell you students names or talk trash. For many reasons but I think above all a lot of people would be pissed  at me and I am trying to have more positive forces in my life. So here it goes

     I have a final tomorrow and guess who's energy company came to replace one of the telephone poles AND guess who owns 5 dogs?! Don't get me wrong I am so appreciative of the situation I am in and can not tell you how much support I get but at the same time I feel like I am stretched to the limit of doing things for people.

    Such as I just got a call from my brother looking for something in the mail at my mom's house.......Look dudes and dudettes when you move out forward your mail to YOUR address. Until then its cool have it at your moms it doesn't cost anything to re-route your mail. You are an idiot if you keep having it sent somewhere that YOU first hand are not LOCATED at! Here is the address to: USPS......

     It just shocks me the amount of information you need to acquire and also the changes in syllabus that happens such as tomorrow I have a final and there is also a test called the Math Comp #2 tomorrow but when I told a professor that is when it was she looked at me like I was insane....and lo' and behold they changed it.....fml. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

So yeah Jump on Board The CRAZY Train of Nursing School because this is where you will be for 2 year/5 semesters.....fun stuff.

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